В статье рассматривается гравитационный коллапс в метрике Вайдья, полученной с помощью гравитационного расщепления. Мы исследуем вопрос о том, влияет ли первичный волос на конечный результат гравитационного коллапса. Мы доказали, что константа связи ока- зывает влияние на формирование голой сингулярности. Мы также исследовали вопрос о силе центральной сингулярности и доказали, что она является гравитационно-сильной. Тем не менее приведенная модель не нарушает космический принцип цензуры, поскольку при формировании голой сингулярности нарушаются слабые энергетические условия.
Russian is a language widely spoken worldwide. While it is one of the official languages of the United Nations, it is still predominantly spoken in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, although about 30 million speakers abroad have a near-native proficiency in Russian, and about 70 million speak it as a foreign language. However, there are efforts to diversify the use of Russian as a world language and promote its use in other regions and contexts. Russian is a pluricentric language, meaning that it has multiple centers of use and standardisation. In addition to Russia, where it is the official language, Russian is also widely spoken in several other countries, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. As a result, there is a great deal of linguistic diversity within the Russian-speaking world, which creates a stronger potential to increase linguistic diversity even further and promote the use of a wider range of linguistic varieties and dialects. By recognising the different varieties of Russian and promoting their use in different contexts, it may be possible to improve communication between Russian speakers from different regions and countries. By maintaining the use of Russian in different cultural contexts, it may be possible to facilitate greater cultural exchange and understanding between different parts of the world. Russian as a language of commerce and trade facilitates greater economic cooperation between different countries and regions.
The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union defined the establishment of a shared labor force market as one of the main goals of the integration association. Ensuring the freedom of movement for workers from EAEU member states is inextricably linked with exercising their right to pension benefits. The Agreement on Pension Benefits for the Working Population of EAEU Member States is based on the recognition of equal rights for workers, territorial equality, and export of pensions. As of the effective date of the Agreement, pension rights of the working population of EAEU member states shall be developed in full parity with the citizens of the state of employment. The Agreement establishes the types of pension contributions based on which the pension rights of the working population of EAEU member states are developed and the types of pension benefits these legal norms apply to. The paper includes a comparative analysis of legislations of EAEU member states the provisions of which define the development of pension rights of the working population of EAEU member states. In the course of work, the conditions for pension rights development have been analyzed, similarities and differences have been identified. The conducted research has shown that the pension systems of EAEU member states are in the process of being restructured. The stability of the pension systems is impacted by demographic, economic and migration issues. Under their influence, EAEU member states introduce structural changes to the pension systems, improve the rate policy, raise the retirement age and raise requirements for the length of employment.
The paper examines the issue of victim / witness testimony, an investigative procedure introduced in the Kyrgyz Republic Criminal Procedure Code in 2019. It can be argued that this institution enables the development of the adversarial principle and the principle of equality of parties in pre-trial proceedings. The author points out that for the Criminal Procedure code of some former Soviet states, this institution is new, though it was first reflected in English law of the 19th century. The author notes the debatable nature of re-examining a victim / witness when the merits of the case are considered. In this regard, improvement in Art. 208 of the existing Kyrgyz Republic Criminal Procedure Code is suggested. Additionally, the article examines the issue of what a deposition is - an investigative procedure or an institution. The author states that deposition of testimony is an investigative procedure.
В статье на примере двух фильмов гипержанра пост-хоррор («Солнцестояние» 2019 г., реж. Ари Астер, «Варяг» 2022 г., реж. Роберт Эггерс) анализируется одна из тенденций в современном кинематографе, связанная с совмещением категорий технического и магического. В современной философии можно проследить ориентированность на подобное сплетение, где аннигилируется дихотомия рационального и иррационального, внутреннего и внешнего. Восприятие мира в контексте виртуализации по-новому определяет процесс мышления в качестве того, что не относится к психическому, а кино оказывается медиатором безрефлексивного созерцания, определяя место субъекта в качестве отсутствующего.
Purpose. The study is purposed at determining modern dynamics of the Lake Sasyk bay-bar (Crimean Peninsula) and the impact of the local seawater intake upon the coastal zone based on long-term in situ observations, satellite data and mathematical modeling. The study was conducted in view of the proposed construction of transverse hydraulic structures.
Methods and Results. Regular (2007–2014) and occasional in situ observations of the coastline dynamics at the Lake Sasyk bay-bar were used. The maximum inter-annual oscillations in the coastline locations are shown to be 5.8 m in the sections to the southeast from the transverse structure (seawater intake) and 3.4–7.2 m – in the sections to the northwest. Seasonal variability is significantly higher: the maximum range is 14.6 m in the sections to the southeast, and in those to the northwest – 26.7 m. The wave climate was investigated. The wave reanalysis data for 1979–2022 have shown that the southwestern direction of waves approaching the coast with a frequency exceeding 30% is most probable. The highest waves also come from this direction. The extreme values of wave characteristics which can occur once in n years were obtained. The mean long-term values of storm numbers in the area under study are given depending on their duration. Application of the GenCade integrated lithodynamic model permitted to obtain the estimates of changes in the coastline position in this area on the interannual scales.
Conclusions. The model calculations made it possible to reproduce the main features and trends in changes of the beach width in the area of the structure obtained due to in situ observations. The mean annual sediment flows in the area under study are directed clockwise (to the southeast) that is conditioned by the coastline orientation and the wave climate features. Difference between the mean annual sediment rates at the area boundaries is negligible – less than 4% of the multi-year average. This fact indicates insignificant impact of the structure upon the sediment total transfer to the southeast.
Проведен анализ распространения, биоморфологических, экологических и фитоценотических особенностей Drosera anglica Huds. (Droseraceae Salisb.) в Вологодской области, а также вопросов охраны вида. Ревизия существующих местонахождений вида в области (на основе анализа гербарных коллекций, фондовых и опубликованных сведений) показала, что за период с 1856 по 2023 гг. он был отмечен в 95 локалитетах на территории 22 (из 26) административных районов. Находки вида попадают в границы 36 квадратов сеточного картирования, принятого в Atlas Florae Europaeae. Росянка английская является кистекорневой турионной многолетней поликарпической травой с удлиненными побегами несуккулентного типа и специализированными листьями-ловушками. Имеет невысокую вегетативную подвижность и интенсивность вегетативного размножения, поэтому самоподдержание популяций происходит семенным способом. Растение мезобионтное к климатическим факторам в целом; наиболее узкие пределы толерантности отмечены к освещенности экотопа и богатству почвы минеральными солями. Drosera anglica – облигатный типичный болотный вид, предпочитающий сфагновые и денудированные мочажины, краевые части болотных озерков и проточные топи на верховых болотах, травяные мочажины на аапа и заливаемых низинных болотах, сплавины и берега болотных озер. Представлен единично или рассеянно в травяно- моховых или кустарничково-травяно-моховых болотных сообществах. Вид включен в Красную книгу Вологодской области с категориями статусов 3/NT/III. Зафиксирован в границах 8 особо охраняемых природных территорий. Вид наиболее уязвим к изменениям гидрологического режима территории при антропогенных и климатических изменениях.
Any modern supercomputer has an extremely complex architecture, and efficient usage of its resources is often a very difficult task, even for experienced users. At the same time, the field of high-performance computing is becoming more and more in demand, so the issue of efficient utilization of supercomputers is very urgent. Therefore, users should know everything important about performance of their jobs running on a supercomputer in order to be able to optimize them, and administrators should be able to monitor and analyze all the nuances of the efficient functioning of such systems. However, there is currently no complete understanding of what data are best to be studied (and how it should be analyzed) in order to have a whole picture of the state of the supercomputer and the processes taking place there. In this paper, we make our first attempt to answer this question. To do this, we are developing a model that describes all the potential factors that may be important when analyzing the performance of supercomputer applications and the HPC system as a whole. The paper provides both a detailed description of this model for users and administrators and some interesting real-life examples discovered on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer using a software implementation based on the proposed model.
La tâche de l’enseignant est de renforcer l’activité de chaque élève, de créer des situations pour leur créativité dans leprocessus d’apprentissage.
Аннотация10: статья посвящена рассмотрению такого общественного явления как занятость населения. Для анализа занятости населения в Российской Федерации изучены показатели уровня участия населения в составе рабочей силы, занятости населения, структуры занятых по возрастным группам, уровню образования и видам экономической деятельности. Представленные показатели занятости населения проанализированы в пространственно- временной дифференциации: по субъектам Российской Федерации за хронологический период 2010-2022 годы. Анализ данных показал, что уровень участия в составе рабочей силы для РФ снизился с 67,7% в 2010 до 62,3% 2022 год. При этом уровень занятости населения в возрасте 15-72 лет вырос с 61,7% до 64,1% за период 2010-2022 годы. Выделены четыре кластера регионов РФ по уровню занятости населения.
This paper provides an illustrated description of two water mite species of the genus Atractides—Atractides (Atractides) arzanensis sp. n. and Atractides (Atractides) teneroides sp. n.—from the running waters of Russia.
The empirical studies on the potential interconnection between tax and financial growth have gathered a great deal of attention from scholars and policymakers. However, the impact of regulatory capital on taxation performance has been ignored. In this context, the study aims to provide new discussion by assessing the linkage between capital adequacy and taxation revenues in the case of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) economies. We aim to find out the impact of capital adequacy ratios on the taxation performance of BRICS countries. We hypothesize that a stronger banking system is positively associated with higher taxation performance. A sound banking and financial system promotes economic development and growth, also resulting in the firms’ profitability and ultimately increasing the government’s tax revenues. Using the advanced quantile panel technique of the Methods of Moments Quantile
Method (MM-QR), the study showed that capital adequacy positively influences taxation sustainability in the BRICS economies. Besides, the findings illustrated that economic growth positively increases taxation revenues in the BRICS economies. The study suggests that regulatory capital policies can positively influence financial stability by mitigating bank risk-taking incentives and offering a buffer against losses. Hence, an increase in capital adequacy will promote financial stability, which in turn leads to increased taxation revenues. However, higher capital adequacy may increase the franchise value of core banks’ activities, which in turn allows banks to attract new investments and funds that can be used for investment in risky market-based activities. Based on the empirical analysis, the study concludes that policymakers should focus more on capital regulation and sustainable taxation revenues.