Статья посвящена судьбе философии Ф. Ницше (1844-1900) в ХХ веке и ее интерпретации немецким философом М. Хайдеггером (1889-1976), оказавшим решающее влияние на судьбу мировой философии и континентальной метафизики в частности. Герменевтика ницшеанской мысли в ХХ веке есть прежде всего герменевтика катастрофических событий, с которыми столкнулась Германия: Ноябрьская революция 1918 г., кризис Веймарской республики, приход к власти NSDAP, технократия, «размывание человека» и мировые войны. В статье мысль главных представителей революционного консерватизма, среди которых: А. Молер, братья Э. и Ф. Юнгеры, К. Лёвит, А. Боймлер, Г. Фишер - позиционируется в качестве основного «экзистенциального» основания интерпретации М. Хайдеггера. Отличительными чертами хайдеггеровской методологии указываются заимствование у А. Молера понятия «принятия всерьез» и диалектика Бытия - сущего. Взгляд М. Хайдеггера на мысль «философа без гражданства» сосредотачивается вокруг трех главных фокусов: критики ценностей, Wille zu Macht и идеи «Ewige Wiederkunft». Особое внимание уделяется пониманию Хайдеггером концепции «смерти Бога», которая в его толковании не имеет ярко выраженного антихристианского характера. Невозможность окончательно преодолеть ценностную парадигму, направляемую основным инстинктом воли к власти, определяется в качестве основного изъяна философии Ф. Ницше, скрывающего Бытие и истинный характер сущего и не способного окончательно преодолеть метафизику.
The article discusses the legal framework for regulating labor migration in the Commonwealth of independent states (hereinafter referred to as the CIS). Particular attention is paid to the definition of ‘labor migration’ in the legal literature, international legislative documents and agreements about labor migration within the CIS. The author analyzes the UN Convention ‘On the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families’, the ILO Migration for Employment Convention No. 97 (Revised), 1949, and the Agreement between the CIS states ‘On the protection of labor migrants and members of their families’, as well as individual intergovernmental agreements between the CIS states, some legislative acts of the CIS states. He defines the essence and features of the legal regulation of labor migration in the CIS states at the present stage of social development. At the conclusion the author presents his opinion regarding the definition of the term ‘labor migration’ and the ways of legal regulation of labor migration within the CIS.
Legal positions of supreme federal courts in the Russian Federation have a direct effect on the labor legislation, law enforcement practices, as well as the subject and method of labor law. Certain forms of this influence have not been studied by the science of labor law until recently that results in unlocked theoretical and practical potential for judicial legal positions on labor disputes. To discover the influence of these legal positions on the industry in general, their main functions shall be identified. Through philosophical, general-theoretical and special juridical analysis of academic literature, labor legislation, law enforcement practices, and international legal acts the attributes of the functions of legal positions of supreme federal courts have been identified, the relevant definition has been articulated, the structure of functions has been shown, and specific types of these functions have been discovered. The theoretical structures worked out during the research can be applied in practice as well. On the national level - to solve the problems of platform employment, to ensure a balance in unity and differentiation in labor law, and to improve the mechanism for social partnership. On the international level - for the Eurasian Economic Union member states to solve the problems associated with human resources mobility, protection of working migrants, social partnership, introduction of international labor standards.
Introduction. Post-COVID-19 syndrome, a condition affecting 10 to 35% of convalescents, particularly impacts individuals with cardiovascular issues who are at a higher risk of contracting the virus and consequently developing post-COVID-19 syndrome, especially at senile age. This group remains one of the most vulnerable populations in terms of susceptibility to both the coronavirus and its long-term effects.
The purpose of the study is to create a more accurate material fl ow forecasting model of Xi’an freight railway station in China. The combined forecasting model is more validated for forecasting freight fl ows of regional logistics compared to three methods: grey forecasting, Markov chains, entropy weighting. Through the creation of the combined model, the grey forecasting method is combined with Markov chain correction, and the projected data is compared with the actual data to obtain higher accuracy of the forecasting model.
A combined model using the grey forecasting method combined with Markov chain correction is created, with the forecast data compared with the actual data to obtain high accuracy of the forecasting model.
The practical signifi cance is that in the context of the present post-pandemic economic development, the logistics enterprises that do not operate in accordance with the modern logistics methods may be displaced by competitors. If the railway does not improve its logistics infrastructure, logistics equipment, railway logistics network platform, etc., it will lose out to other modes of transport. In order to meet the needs of logistics and improve the market competitiveness, the main indicator of a freight station is loading and logistics fl ow. Therefore, exact prediction of future changes in the logistics fl ow of a freight station can help to determine whether the station needs to be upgraded as a railway station or transformed into a certain type of a logistics centre.
This study is based on oribatid mite materials collected from forest litter in Taiwan. In particular, in the course of our study, we recorded 10 species from 10 genera and eight families. Of these, two species (Scheloribates guhitanus, Setogalumna luzonica) have been recorded for the first time from Taiwan. Additionally, a supplementary description of Pergalumna kunsti is presented based on specimens from Taiwan. An identification key to the known species of Pergalumna from the Oriental region is presented.
Throughout the course of whole history, states have been and still are governed by traditions, party programs, and intuitive ideas. But now states life has become so complex, contradictory, and “dynamic” that even the most talented leaders, along with the elite, do not prevent turmoil and bloodshed. This situation is deteriorating beneath our eyes. The transition to scientific-based governance is vital. This paper presents the scientific and methodological support for governance of states. Scientific support includes the overall structure, model, identification, justification, and analysis of decisions, as well as the synthesis of state governance, taking into account traditions, programs, plans, commitments, and other constraints. Governance is implemented by technology operating in a continuous cycle of adaptation to internal and external changes in real time and is ahead of real time. For a particular state (as well as a large administrative entity, firm, etc.) the proposed scientific and methodological support is a reference point that determines the structure, basic parameters and technology of governance. As a result, the ranking of goals, maximization of socio-economic success, and humane resolution of inherent internal and external conflicts on this basis are achieved.
One of the aspects concerning the evolution (unfolding) of an abstract system of relations is investigated; this makes it possible to reveal its characteristic limiting relative speed and show that it differs little from the speed of light in the application. A structural approach is used, which basically excludes the specifics of specific systems. The analysis tools are the previously proposed protostructure and the order parameter n based on it. The structure is interpreted as a network consisting of nodes being allowed states and their links, which are rules responsible for stability. The structure is understood as a set of relationships, and the protostructure acts as its supposed principium endowed with a cyclic nature and specifying the spectrum of positions for the order parameter n k, where k = 1, 2, 3… 10 is the ordinal number of a node in the cycle 1:10. This mentioned cycle contains, in particular, the nodes n 2 and n 3, while most of the normalizations are performed using k = 3, which is convenient for application. The links between the previously revealed initial boundary of the system of relationships n min and the splitting Δ 3 for the node n 3 are considered; the splitting is also established on the basis of model considerations and corresponds to observations. Initially, the node n 2 is rigidly connected to the boundary n min. In this paper, we analyse the appearance and evolution of the link between the boundary n min and the node n 3 and the downplaying of the initial link with n 2. A search procedure n min is considered depending on the selection of Δ 3,. The positions n min and n 3 differ by about 4 orders of magnitude and are treated as a single system. The analysis is based on offsets of nodes relative to the original position, which allows us to ignore the difference in orders. The evolution process is unfolded as a scenario, or a set of successive steps or structural events, as a result of which a high degree of compatibility of system nodes is realized.
In the appendix, the system und