В данной работе расматривается язык програмирования Python, как инструмент ОГЭ, ЕГЭ и олимпиад по программированию
Pre-translation text analysis is an integral part of an efficient translation procedure. In fact, it focuses on collecting intra-textual and extra-textual information on the text under translation. Collecting the intra-textual information is mainly based on a thorough analysis of the source text linguistic peculiarities, whereas the extra-textual information focuses basically on the communicative functional properties of both source and target texts. There exist different approaches towards this procedure and the stages of its accomplishment. Nonetheless, it should be noted that they all lead to a broader spectrum of discourse analysis with its intra-textual and extra-textual parameters and give birth to the translation-oriented pragmatic analysis before initiating translation process itself.
The article focuses on the interrelation and interaction of all the mentioned types of analysis (pragmatic analysis, discourse analysis, pre-translation analysis) as an essential requirement for a relevant translation.
The article discusses peculiarities of manipulative strategies in English political discourse. Manipulative strategy can be considered as a form of persuasive strategy aimed at influencing hearers and making them accept beliefs or do things advocated by the manipulator. Manipulation can be considered effective when the hearer doesn’t recognize the intentions of the speaker to influence him. Manipulation is realized by means of different strategies. The two most important ones are the strategy of positive self-presentation which aims at maximizing the significance of one’s own status and the strategy of negative other-presentation which aims at creating a negative image of the opponent, discrediting him. An equally important manipulative strategy often used in political discourse is the theatrical strategy which is characterized by a very high level of emotionality and aims at forcing emotional responses on behalf of the hearers. In the article linguistic means of realization of manipulative strategies and tactics are revealed and discussed.
В очерке отражены этапы творческой биографии профессора Саратовского государственного университета имени Н. Г. Чернышевского Георгия Петровича Боева: период учебы и работы ассистентом и доцентом в СГУ в 1917–1930 гг., заведующим кафедрой математики в Ивановском текстильном институте в 1930–1934 гг., работыв СГУ на административных должностях в 1934–1959 гг. Жизнь Г. П. Боева сложилась так, что он работая в университете, стоял у истоков различных видов деятельности: был первым студентом и аспирантом физико-математического факультета, первым деканом механико-математического факультета, первым научным руководителем вычислительного центра СГУ.
Public goods have two fundamental characteristics: they are offered to the whole community and no one can be excluded from their benefit. When the subject of public goods is discussed, the schools of thought that deal with state intervention in the economy always come to the fore: neoclassical and Keynesian. According to prominent theorists, the theory, conception, thought and ideology of economic and monetary neoliberalism was transferred to the political sphere, through the school of public choice. The Mexican political system can be considered as a regime in transition towards democracy, since it presents unquestionable elements of modern democratic systems, but it also shows traits of inoperability, such as corruption, scarce accountability and, lately, a deficient administration of justice by the judiciary. In accordance with the rule of law, the analysis of the Political Constitution represents the most important part of the political system to be studied. Efficiency in public management has been located in the exercise of budgets and in the actions of recording public accounting. The main objective of results-based management is to change the organizational culture of the managerial model, which should replace bureaucratic administration, emphasizing results instead of processes and procedures.
На сегодняшний день персональный имидж является одним из главных конкурентных преимуществ медийной личности, стремящейся к публичной известности. Статья акцентирует внимание на целесообразности использования широкого спектра коммуникационных технологий для формирования и продвижения имиджа медийной персоны для повышения эффективности воздействия на все целевые аудитории с учетом современных тенденции в шоу-бизнесе. Общение с людьми и реклама являются важными коммуникационными каналами, однако, целесообразность использования инструментов PR все более подтверждается возможностями их мягкого пролонгированного действия. Все это определяет необходимость продолжать авторам исследования данное направление. Современный потребитель активно и быстро потребляет информацию, восприимчив к инновациям и вовлечен в разнообразные потребительские практики. Рост требований, в связи с этим к PR - технологиям предполагает не столько обеспечение взаимодействия с различными группами потребителей, в том числе и не обладающих жизненным опытом, необходимым уровнем критического мышления и фильтрации информации, с легкостью воспринимающих информацию о медийных лицах в авторской трансляции фоне, сколько создание положительной реакции, обеспечивающей продолжительный эмоциональный след в сознании потребителя. В статье выдвигаются и находят свое подтверждение предположения о том, что медийные лица благодаря использованию широкого спектра PR-технологий, задают стандарты качества жизни, потребления и способствуют формированию системы социальных координат и транслируют установки, образцы поведения, социальные нормы и ценности, получая в результате этого пролонгированный характер взаимодействия с целевой аудиторией. В рамках исследования осуществлён комплексный анализ пиар-инструментов и технологий, применяемых для формирования и продвижения имиджа медийной персоны Павлы Воли. Инструментарий и выводы исследования строятся на основных положениях компетентностного подхода, на анализе статистике запросов в Яндексе, результатов социологических опросов в ВКонтакте и в контексте исследований феномена медиа-личности Павла Воли. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в выводах и предложениях, касающихся поднятия популярности Павла Воли в медиапространстве в результате использования тех или иных пиар-инструментов.
This publication invites discussion on the issue of probation upon hiring as an institution in need of transformation, in the author’s opinion. The goal of probation should be specified, since it can be established either to test the fitness of an employee for the job assigned, or for the employee to decide whether the offered job is suitable for them. Also, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the exact rationale and the moment in time the labor relations with an employee should be terminated during probation in case they do not succeed. The author suggests introducing a new special rationale - termination of a labor contract at the end of the employee’s probation without further employment of the worker at this employer’s based on a wrongdoing by the employee during probation or in case the employer discovers that the worker’s professional aptitude does meet the employer’s requirements. These amendments to the legislation can allow identifying fault-based (disciplinary) grounds for the labor contract termination among all the cases when the worker was considered to have failed the probation upon hiring, as well as to link them directly to the institution of labor discipline. It is no secret that in practice, multiple issues regarding the interaction between the regulatory provisions on probation outcomes and the regulatory provisions on disciplinary responsibility of workers arise: these problems should be resolved, since the court practice examples provided by the author often show diametrically opposed conclusions made by the courts based on their interpretation of statutory regulations. Also, the paper invites discussion on the renunciation of possible replacing probation by a fixed-term temporary labor contract and establishing a probation model for the change in employment functions (transfer to a new job).
In India, as in many countries, railways originated as industrial gauge tracks for the transportation of ore, timber, stone, and other building materials. These were the fi rst industrial railways in India to deliver supplies to construction sites, in particular, Chintadripet in Madras (1835), Red Hill Railroad line (1837), Godavari Dam Construction Railway (1845), and others. Initially, the promoters of the construction of railways, based on the general social and economic situation in the country, did not count on the development of passenger traffi c, taking into account the virtually impoverished situation of the vast majority of the population. Efforts were focused on freight transportation. The colonialists proceeded from the need to develop railways as an important exploitation tool for exporting the country’s natural resources to the parent country and to the world market. Throughout almost the entire period of British colonial rule, passenger transportation was intended for a narrow stratum of colonizers and a few of the richest representatives of the country’s indigenous population. By the 1860s, there was a system of dividing passenger traffi c on the railways of India into four classes. Saloon coaches were used to serve the ruling elite. The difference in travel conditions in luxury saloon coaches and fi rst-class compartment carriages in comparison with third- and fourth-class carriages was huge. It refl ected the social class structure of Indian society. At the same time, railway passenger transportation did not affect the interests of the majority of the population at all, as with their level of wealth they could not afford to travel by rail at all, remaining outside the line of progress in transport of the 19th century.
This article examines the current metrics and future prospects for the development of transportation and logistics routes connecting BRICS member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iran). It analyses railway transport indicators, the dynamics and structure of mutual trade, as well as the main destinations of Russian exports. A special focus is placed on infrastructure projects and trends in multimodal transportation. The study highlights the signifi cance of investment in infrastructure and the optimization of logistics processes, emphasizing the potential for enhanced economic cooperation among BRICS members.
В работе предлагается ввести новое пространство цветовых координат proLab, связанное с CIE XYZ трехмерным проективным преобразованием. В статье показывается, что по психофизической равномерности, оцениваемой при помощи метрики STRESS по отношению к формуле цветовых различий CIEDE2000, предлагаемое пространство значительно опережает широко используемую систему координат CIELAB, хотя и уступает современной CAM16-UCS. Угловые метрики ошибок определения цветности, обычно используемые в линейных цветовых пространствах, могут использоваться и в proLab, поскольку проективное преобразование сохраняет линейность многообразий. При этом, в отличие от линейных пространств, угловые ошибки, различные по цветовому тону, в proLab нормированы в соответствии с порогами цветоразличения человека. В работе также показывается, что гетероскедастичность дробового шума в proLab оказывается меньшей, чем в CAM16-UCS и стандартных цветовых пространствах. Это делает proLab удобной координатной системой для линейного цветового анализа – решения задач линейной регрессии в цветовом пространстве.
This research is devoted to the prospects for the development of international transport corridors (ITC) through the prism of the dynamics of market forces in the transport industry and world trade.
International logistics is currently undergoing a global transformation, and therefore the effective use by Russia of its transport potential is still the most urgent and practical task. In this regard, this research is focused on internal and external factors that infl uence the realization of this potential.
The research presents the factors that contributed in retrospect for more than 10 years to the dynamic development of freight transportation through the ITC “East – West”. Additionally, the impact of exogenous factors such as epidemiological restrictions on a global scale and economic sanctions against Russia on the logistics of container transportation in recent years is considered in more detail.
On the basis of a retrospective analysis of the development of cargo transportation through the ITC “East – West” generalized conditions are formulated that allow to assess the potential for the development of transport cargo fl ows on other key ITC. An analysis of the current dynamics and problems of the development of transportation along the corridors East – West, Northern Sea Route and North-South is carried out. Further prospects for their increase from the point of view of transport marketing is provided.
Among the conclusions, the importance of developing and expanding the infrastructure of the ITC “East – West”, as well as proposals for the intensifi cation of cargo transportation through other ITC, is highlighted.
The implementation of unmanned train control systems offers a number of advantages, such as increasing the capacity of railway lines and traffi c volumes, reducing the ‘human factor’, as well as reducing operatingcosts. The paper considers the challenges arising from the use of automatic train control systems, and presents the prospects for the implementation of automatic technologies in railway transport for various railway systems. The social and economic aspects of changing professional activities in railway transport are described. Grades of automation applicable to surface urban railway transport are presented. The issues of proving the functional safety of machine vision systems as part of the train traffi c control system and determining their level of safety completeness are discussed. Examples of railway transport automation in Russia and other countries are given. Basic scenarios of automatic control system operation describing normal and abnormal situations are formulated. In conclusion, the levels of technological readiness of the reviewed solutions in the fi eld of train traffi c automation are defi ned. The tasks faced by railway companies in implementing these technologies are outlined, and possible ways of overcoming obstacles to the introduction of automatic systems are proposed, taking into account the current political situation.