Pulsatilla magadanensis (Ranunculaceae) - уникальный вид, эндемик с очень ограниченным ареаломв пределах Магаданской области. По современным молекулярно-филогенетическим данным P. magadanensis отнесен к подроду Preonanthus с возможным близким родством с высокогорными реликтами рода, такими, какP. alpina и P. aurea, и является одним из базальных представителей рода Pulsatilla. Кратко охарактеризованы морфология, распространение, экология, сезонный ритм, семенная продуктивность, особенности прорастания семян и филогенетическое положение. От большинства других представителей рода P. magadanensis отличаетсятем, что имеет пять листочков околоцветника и пурпурные тычиночные нити. Размножается генеративно, семенная продуктивность невысокая и существенно различается в разные годы. Всхожесть семян, как правило,низкая, они теряют жизнеспособность в течение 2-3 лет. Большая часть ареала P. magadanensis расположена насеверном побережье Охотского моря, в окрестностях г. Магадана, ее площадь составляет около 50 км2. Известно одно точечное местонахождение вида на отрогах хр. Анначаг в 250 км к северу от г. Магадана. Вид занесен вКрасные книги Магаданской области и России, он требует также включения в Список МСОП с категорией VU(критерий: D2). Не охраняется ни на одной ООПТ в Магаданской области, рекомендуется объявить классическоеместонахождение P. magadanensis памятником природы.
HPC systems are complex in architecture and contain millions of components. To ensure reliable operation and efficient output, functioning of most subsystems should be supervised. This is done on the basis of collected data from various logging and monitoring systems. This means that different data sources are used, and accordingly, data analysis can face multiple issues processing this data. Some of the data subsets can be incorrect due to the malfunctioning of used sensors, monitoring system data aggregation errors, etc. This is why it is crucial to preprocess such monitoring data before analyzing it, taking into the consideration the analysis goals. The aim of this paper is, being based on the MSU HPC Center monitoring data, to propose an approach to data preprocessing of HPC monitoring systems, giving some real life examples of issues that may be faced, and recommendations for further analysis of similar datasets.
Dans l’article préférence pour l’axe Kinshasa-Moscou
Koyraboro Senni (KS), a Malian language of Songhay family, has a system of TAM markers that distinguish two aspectual categories – the perfective and the imperfective and three series – the “weak” series used in neutral declarative clauses and clauses with a non-subject focus, the subject-focus series, and the “strong” series, which is used for predicate-centered focus. The paper studies the use of the strong in-focus forms in a corpus of narrative texts and shows that the strong perfectives in most cases are used to describe real events, while strong imperfectives are irrealis-oriented. Contrary to implications of our current knowledge of polyfunctionality of in-focus forms the strong imperfective is not used for present progressive and is relatively frequent in narrative texts. I also argue that while the perfective part of the system is better understood as the result of development of typical intrinsically-focused reading – the perfect, its imperfective part is better explained in line with Tatevosov’s (2005) proposal of direct development of the habitual to the prospective.
The current hottest issue in Indonesia is the small amount of Land and Building Tax (LBT) revenue at the national and local levels. This research aims to find a valuable model for increasing LBT revenue for the government by formulating ideal clauses and determining what policies should be implemented. This research aims to reveal the practice of tax avoidance and evasion on LBT tax objects, which causes LBT income to stagnate yearly, and find a solution by mapping actual conditions and forecasting the next ten years using a system dynamics model. The research question is why LBT makes a small contribution to total state revenue, even though the object and what are the solutions to increase LBT income in the future. The research methodology uses quantitative methods supported by qualitative analysis using dynamical system modeling. This modeling makes it possible to predict increases in tax revenues by considering several variables that cause LBT revenues to stagnate. The findings of this study show that LBT revenues will proliferate compared to revenues in the initial year of the simulation if intervention is carried out by reducing tax avoidance and tax evasion, increasing tax compliance, and the value of the income growth ratio per tax object. This study found nine actors essential in increasing property taxes in Indonesia: civil officials, tax officials, tax authorities, notaries, large companies, state and regional-owned enterprises, sellers, and buyers of property. In conclusion, the government needs to improve the tax collection system and implement various strategies, including increasing the role of notaries to prevent tax evasion in housing.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of
each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition
of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot
structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of
robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems
associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of
environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator
batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of
different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.