Pre-translation text analysis is an integral part of an efficient translation procedure. In fact, it focuses on collecting intra-textual and extra-textual information on the text under translation. Collecting the intra-textual information is mainly based on a thorough analysis of the source text linguistic peculiarities, whereas the extra-textual information focuses basically on the communicative functional properties of both source and target texts. There exist different approaches towards this procedure and the stages of its accomplishment. Nonetheless, it should be noted that they all lead to a broader spectrum of discourse analysis with its intra-textual and extra-textual parameters and give birth to the translation-oriented pragmatic analysis before initiating translation process itself.
The article focuses on the interrelation and interaction of all the mentioned types of analysis (pragmatic analysis, discourse analysis, pre-translation analysis) as an essential requirement for a relevant translation.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
Pre-translation text analysis has always been considered an important procedure of an effective translation. There exist different approaches towards this procedure and the stages of its implementation. Some scholars focus on the analysis of the source text linguistic peculiarities and consider them within the examination of language media for effective translation. This approach is mostly employed by Russian translation researchers, who believe that complete understanding of source text message is the fundamental basis for adequate translation. Those who support this approach pay certain attention to the genre, vocabulary and syntactic peculiarities of the source text, which according to their viewpoint should be thoroughly examined to provide complete and valuable translation. R. Minyar-Beloruchev, A. Shvejtser, V. Komissarov, M. Brandes, V. Provotorov (Minyar-Beloruchev 1996, Shvejtser 1988, Komissarov 1990, 2002, Brandes, Provotorov 2001) and others take the view that the translation strategy may be better selected after detailed analysis of the source text linguistic peculiarities.
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In the present paper an effort is made to analyze the deep roots of the concerns and the past-oriented conservative Armenian attitude towards the spread of globalization. Every aspect of human life is being radically transformed due to global changes. It also helps to spread European and American values, create new values. Among the most significant changes observed as a result of globalization are said to be religious and linguo-cultural identity issues. The study of the mentioned issues is vital in an Armenian context since the people of Armenia and Artsakh, during the past 30 years of independence, have been living in an environment of undeclared war with authoritarian aggressive Azerbaijan.
This essay wishes to engage with the crucial issue of the interpretation of literary texts from the specific perspective of the rise of Cognitive Sciences in the past two or three decades.
One of the stimulating, but also controversial elements of Cognitive Literary Studies is the variety of denominations of the field itself. Different labels have been adopted to define it, including: “Cognitive Poetics”, “Cognitive Semiotics”, “Cognitive Stylistics”, “Cognitive Literary Studies”, “Cognitive Criticism”, and “Cognitive Literary Science”.
A crucial problem that has variously been dealt with but that still remains open to discussion (and has sometimes promoted a questioning of the usefulness of the neurosciences in the interpretation of literary works), is the problem of the affordances of a cognitive approach to the specificity of literary artifacts. This contribution will therefore address and investigate this timely topic and illustrate aspects of the dynamics of literary interpretation that the cognitive sciences have recently productively developed.
In particular, it will focus on the following elements: various perspectives in “the neurohumanities”, “literariness and the brain”, “the respective contribution of the cognitive sciences and of literature to the knowledge of the human mind”.
This essay will depict one American musician’s journey in the discovery of Komitas’ music and how this led to a deeper discovery of Armenian culture and history writ large, resulting in a visit to Armenia itself. It is intended to honor the greatness of the Armenian spirit and identity, as well as to encourage the following of one’s inspiration and intuition in life.
Reforms and initiatives applied to the field of Russian higher education during the past decade focus particularly on extending the scope of communicative educational space and scientific fields integration. Consequently, linguistic competence contributing to significant acceleration of the processes of globalization and internationalization of the society as a whole becomes the key component of higher professional education. It is necessary to ascertain that the current system of language education in Russian universities fails to deal with the tasks in hand comprehensively. The search for more efficient didactical tools and ways of organizing teaching processes culminated in choosing the paradigm of integrated education, specifically, integration of subject knowledge and foreign language. This approach is well-renowned in scientific and educational literature as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The major objective of the present article is to analyze the current attempts of implementing CLIL in Russian Universities through the example of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The analysis comprises the effectiveness of CLIL didactic capacity, the prerequisites for its emergence as well as needs and challenges in the system of Russian higher education and intellectual labor market. As a conclusion, we offer a systematic list of measures that tend to improve the situation
The issue touched upon in this article refers to the extraordinary use of innumerable metaphors in one of the greatest works by George Gordon Byron – Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. Among literary devices it is especially metaphor that is peculiar to Byron’s linguopoetic thinking. The linguostylistic and linguopoetic methods of analysis help to bring out metaphor as an important device for Byron. Through metaphors he portrays his heroes, their feelings and thoughts and makes the reader feel his powerful flight of imagination. The author does not convince the reader to make the resulting points, but he makes him/her indirectly judge the heroes and understand situations. Thus, Byron’s metaphors are the result of his linguopoetic thinking. They give a certain charm and musical perception through plain words and word-combinations, and serve as a bridge between physics and poetics across temporal and spatial scale.
E-headlines play an important role in shaping our interest towards reading different online articles and news. There are a lot of strategies and techniques of attracting the readers’ attention and one of them is the use of emotionally colored words. The aim of the present paper is to define the characteristics of emotionally colored words as lexical phenomena and to analyze special emotional word colorings in English e-headlines that are deliberately used to make an immediate impact on the readers’ choice. The famous western electronic newspapers and magazines like “Time”, “The Telegraph”, “The Guardian”, “The New York Times” and “The Sun” make the source platform of the current investigation.
The article discusses peculiarities of manipulative strategies in English political discourse. Manipulative strategy can be considered as a form of persuasive strategy aimed at influencing hearers and making them accept beliefs or do things advocated by the manipulator. Manipulation can be considered effective when the hearer doesn’t recognize the intentions of the speaker to influence him. Manipulation is realized by means of different strategies. The two most important ones are the strategy of positive self-presentation which aims at maximizing the significance of one’s own status and the strategy of negative other-presentation which aims at creating a negative image of the opponent, discrediting him. An equally important manipulative strategy often used in political discourse is the theatrical strategy which is characterized by a very high level of emotionality and aims at forcing emotional responses on behalf of the hearers. In the article linguistic means of realization of manipulative strategies and tactics are revealed and discussed.
Our interest in this article is to investigate different approaches to enantiosemy in English. In the coverage of a variety of viewpoints introduced in the present article, reference is made to well-established traditional and most recent perspectives and approaches provided by both European and Russian scholars with the view of elucidating different principles of classification.
The data for the analysis are extracted from different dictionaries and British National Corpus in order to find distinct motivated meanings between opposite senses in the semantic structure of enantiosemic words. The analysis of the data enables us to reveal some regularities of antonymic relations which make it possible to regard them as special cases of polysemy in English.
For this reason we consider it crucial to disclose integral and differentiating semes, as well as different potential semes, which give rise to different associations.
Advertising is a worldwide phenomenon nowadays that has gained the attention and interest of a large number of individuals in different societies around the world. Advertising is not only an “ideal tool” for reaching people economically, but also a device of attaining and maintaining contact with people socially, culturally, politically and even psychologically. As men and women perceive various social phenomena and often react to certain situations in quite distinct ways, it is also vividly expressed in the ways they perceive the effectiveness of advertising language. This is also conditioned by the fact that men and women create different imagery from the advertisements they see. This confirms the fact that ad specialists should analyze how they choose the target viewers and what language they should use to focus on them. Thus, gender is one of the main segmentation variables for the advertiser, and a significant factor that makes it interesting to advance the study of how gender differences are manifested in the language of advertisements.
Gender is an issue that has long preoccupied linguists, and the category of gender is one of the still unsolved puzzles of linguistic science. There has never been a complete agreement between scientists with regard to gender origin, nor there is unanimity of opinion as to its function in different language systems and, in general, to its definition. The present study focuses on the origin and historical development of the category of gender, classification of languages according to gender types, the peculiarities of gendered and genderless languages, gender-marking avoidance strategies. Through the comparative method of analysis English and Armenian gender systems are compared with an aim to reveal the similarities and differences in terms of functions, gender indicators in proverbs, as well as types of reference.
In this article I discuss the comparative method in formal linguistics when applied to word order phenomena in Italian, English and German. I argue that the comparison has to rest on sound theoretical basis in order to reach interesting conclusions. These languages might prima facie all look Subject-Verb-Object – SVO – languages, with some puzzling issues arising in German. At a closer look however, I will show that English and Italian pattern together as their basic word order – i. e., SVO – goes, as opposed to German, an SOV language. Conversely, English and German pattern together with respect to a property typical, even if not exclusively so, of Germanic languages, i. e. Verb Second.
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