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Статья: Infrared detector arrays in the detection, automation and robotics - trends and development perspectives

Already in the 1970s, it was predicted that the scale of thermal imaging
applications would be limited only by the imagination. It happened thanks
to the elaboration of solid-state, Focal Plane Arrays of IR detectors (IR
FPA) connected with electronics readouts (ROIC CCD). In the last 20
years, thanks to the appearance of uncooled detectors, and recently also
photon detectors in the high operation temperature versions, cameras have
become significantly smaller, lower weight, consume lower power and are
cheaper. It made them more attractive for civil applications, with optimal
adaptation to very different tasks. The aim of this study is to present a brief
review of the specifics of non-pure-thermographic markets for these IR
detectors. The growing interest of many markets, with more affordable
prices of better and better detectors, and the available knowledge base,
create good conditions for innovative projects and business programs

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2018
Кол-во страниц: 8 страниц
Загрузил(а): Неизвестно
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