The Indian government has recently transformed its indirect taxation system with the adoption of Goods and Service Tax (GST) in India. However, this taxation reform has a direct impact on the compliance behavior of the taxpayer as explicated by low GST revenue of the country. Since GST is a new taxation law in India, it become pertinent to explore the compliance behavior of GST taxpayers to proffer valuable suggestions and feedback to the concerned authorities for devising appropriate policies and strategies to comprehend and control the non-compliance behavior of the GST taxpayers. Therefore, the present study analyzed the compliance behavior
of GST taxpayers by synthesizing the theory of planned behavior by collecting the data from 503 GST taxpayers using snowball random sampling with the application of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The collected data was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the theory of planned behavior to comprehend the compliance behavior of the GST taxpayers. The findings of the study assert that the theory of planned behavior explain the 60.1% variance of the total compliance behavior of the GST taxpayers. Moreover, the findings posit that the attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have a positive impact on the compliance behavior of the GST taxpayers. The proposed instrumental scale may be applied in future research studies to comprehend the compliance behavior of GST taxpayers at national and international level and therefore, this study may have major implications for the government, academicians and policy makers for
improving the compliance behavior of the GST taxpayers.
Индийское правительство трансформировало свою систему косвенного налогообложения, приняв налог на товары и услуги (GST). Эта налоговая реформа оказывает непосредствен-ное влияние на поведение налогоплательщика, что объясняется низкими доходами от налога на товары и услуги в стране. Поскольку налог на товары и услуги является новым законом о налогообложении в Индии, стало актуальным изучить поведение плательщиков налога на товары и услуги, чтобы предложить обоснованные рекомендации органам власти для разработки соответствующих политик и стратегий улучшения контроля за несоблю-дением требований плательщиками налога на товары и услуги. В данном исследовании было проанализировано комплаенс-поведение налогоплательщиков GST путем синтеза теории запланированного поведения. Был осуществлен сбор данных от 503 налогоплатель-щиков GST с использованием «снежного кома» случайной выборки с применением фактор-ного анализа. Собранные данные были проанализированы посредством исследовательско-го и конфирматорного факторного анализа для понимания комплаенс-поведения налого-плательщиков GST. Результаты исследования подтверждают, что теория запланированного поведения объясняет дисперсию в 60,1% общего поведения налогоплательщиков GST. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют, что отношение, субъективные нормы и воспринимаемый поведенческий контроль оказывают положительное влияние на
поведение плательщиков налога на товары и услуги. Предлагаемая инструментальная шкала может быть применена в будущих исследованиях для понимания поведения налогоплательщиков по соблюдению требований налога на товары и услуги на националь-ном и международном уровнях. Данное исследование может иметь серьезные последствия для правительства, ученых и политиков в плане улучшения понимания поведения плательщиков налога на товары и услуги.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
The taxation system of a country is an integral part of overall economic development of a country and is responsible to make significant contribution in the achievement of desired social and
economic goals. The taxation policy of a country is design not only to achieve fiscal objectives but also to attain socio-economic objectives. This system is use by the governments around the world to spur their economic activities; encourage investment in sustainable projects; regulate
the consumers spending on goods and services and to control the horizontal and vertical equity in their economies (Malkawi & Haloush [1]).
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The article examines recent trends in tax level and structure changes within developed and developing economies in relation to economic growth. The study’s significance stems from increasing geo-economic turbulence and emerging risks in the global economy, necessitating fiscal regulation. The analysis spans the period from 2009, post the Great Recession, to the present day.
We tested the hypothesis that discernible patterns could be identified through statistical analysis regarding the relationship between tax indicators (level and structure) and economic growth indicators. However, no such clear patterns were found. In essence, it cannot be definitively concluded that reduced tax levels and/or increased indirect tax shares do explicitly foster national economic growth. Tax impact on economic growth varies significantly across developed and developing economies, presenting a complex and nuanced picture. The nature and strength of this influence are largely shaped by the specific circumstances of each location and period. In order to identify their unique impact, counterfactual analysis is required.
In the course of further research, it is important to consider, firstly, the increased fiscal activism of the post-pandemic period: in this case, the research outcomes may be different from those obtained for the period already examined. Secondly, considering the ongoing processes of geo-economic fragmentation, it is recommended to reexamine the influence of taxes on economic processes. This investigation should adhere to the evolving framework of new macro-regions worldwide, rather than the conventional dichotomy of developed and developing economies. Participants within these macro-regions, interconnected through supply and value chains, will
need to work together to align their tax rules and policies for mutual benefits.
The information about tax changes’ effects on aggregate output is highly important for economic policy, especially in times of economic contractions. Russian economy underwent the series of tax changes during 2003–2020. For better tax policy design, it is necessary to understand and to evaluate the effects of this changes on aggregate output, which is the purpose of this study. To solve the problem of endogeneity we use two methods – “narrative approach” and “classical” approach. The first one uses data on exogenous, not driven by economic conditions, tax changes from official documents and forecasts. The second one uses cyclical component of the aggregate tax receipts as tax shocks indicator. Using both methods we estimated a VAR model of Russian economy for period 2003–2020. The implementation of “narrative approach” did not provide any significant effect possibly due to vulnerability towards the measurement error. Based on the classic approach we found that tax changes affect output with a 1-year lag and a 1 percentage point shock of aggregate tax receipts to GDP ratio lowers output growth by 0.7–0.88 percentage points. This result is robust to inclusion of additional factors in the model. The results are mostly consistent with existing research. Implementation of
“narrative approach” proved to be restricted in Russia. “Classical” approach allows to conclude that tax changes could serve as an appropriate tool of countercyclical policy in Russia. On the other hand, increasing tax burden in times of downturn could be highly harmful for recovery. These results should be interpreted taken into consideration the limitations of the VAR method used.
Technological developments have fostered cross-border e-Commerce transactions. This study aims to reconstruct the concept of the meaning of physical presence in the criteria for identifying foreign individuals and foreign entities as permanent establishments. Reconstruction uses the terminology of physical presence, which is adjusted to the presence of a new post-pandemic order, namely maintaining distance in certain situations. The term maintaining distance is translated as the distance between foreign individuals, foreign entities, and service users. This study proposes a reconstruction of the concepts of physical presence, the subject of permanent establishments, and the objects of permanent establishments. The concept of Significant Economic Presence is relevant to the fulfilment of three criteria: revenue, digital, and user. The reconstruction of permanent establishments involves determining the digital and user aspects. Reconstruction of permanent establishments involves determining the digital aspect of income. This study proves the hypothesis that the addition of Significant Economic Presence criteria to the determination of permanent establishments in e-commerce transactions increases the fairness of taxation rights in the source country. Therefore, it is necessary to review the determination of permanent establishments, especially e-commerce transactions, which are not limited to a physical presence with a wider scope through revenue, digital, and user criteria. This study makes a theoretical contribution to the significance of economic presence by replacing the meaning of the physical presence of a permanent establishment. Thus, the potential for permanent establishment taxation is not limited to the potential value-added tax but can also be on the potential income tax.
For countries focused on the extraction and processing of natural resources, including Russia, a crucial task is to ensure the rational extraction and distribution of natural rent. The tax model applied to natural rent should facilitate its optimal allocation to the budget without undermining the motivation of resource users to invest. This study seeks to gauge the extent of oil rent extraction into the Russian budget and suggest strategies to enhance the efficacy of redistributing oil rent to the state budget. Our hypothesis proposes that export customs duties, compared to the mineral extraction tax, prove more effective in achieving the desired redistribution from resource users to the budget. To assess the extent of oil rent extraction, we devised a methodology based on calculating the oil rent generated in Russia. This method
involves measuring the difference between the income generated by the oil industry and the total expenses incurred by oil sector companies. Our analysis reveals that, from 2005 to 2022, up to 87% of the oil rent generated in Russia was extracted through rent payments to the state budget. However, in recent years, the degree of oil rent extraction has decreased to 56%. This decline can be attributed to the tax maneuver initiated in Russia since 2015, entailing a reduction and eventual elimination of export customs duties, coupled with an increase in the mineral extraction tax rate. Our results indicate a diminishing effectiveness of rent-based taxation in Russia due to the reduced fiscal significance of rent payments. Furthermore, their regulatory function, designed to incentivize taxpayers for investment contributions, has weakened. These
findings offer valuable insights for shaping fiscal policies and lay the groundwork for further research in this domain.
The article deals with the evaluation of the impact of real estate tax reforms on their tax burden in the Czech Republic in the years 1993–2024. Real estate tax is one of the direct taxes, and in comparison, with income taxes, its importance lies mainly in providing income for local budgets. The unit type of tax rate specifically determines real estate rates. Facts, that tax reform in the area or real estate tax are minimal, the tax burden is often decreasing. As the tax burden decreases, so does the tax revenue. However, when tax reform occurs, this reform is often characterized by a significant increase in the tax burden. This is also evidenced by the last implemented tax reform in 2024 when rates increased by approximately 80%. The previous tax reform occurred in 2010 and increased rates by 100%. Despite this increase, the real tax burden decreased compared to the first analysed year 1993 and the last year 2024. The results of the regression analysis show that inflation is the factor that negatively affects tax revenue. To minimalize a decrease in tax revenue from 2024, a provision containing an inflation coefficient is implemented in the legislation as part of the 2024 reform. Conversely, a reduction in the tax burden was not found for real estate intended for permanent housing in small municipalities with up to 600 inhabitants. On the contrary, there was an increase in the tax burden. Scientific methods such as analysis and comparison, as well as regression and correlation analysis are used to achieve the paper’s goals.
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