The paper considers a new method for finding patterns in a chaotic system and an algorithm implementing it that automatically computes geometric, physical, and other possible interactions based on preferences between objects in a chaotic system in a reasonable computational time, selecting the only possible solution from the whole population. The algorithm has P-class simplicity in solving NP-class problems, bringing machine intelligence as close as possible to human intelligence. Descriptions of original solutions to a number of technical and creative problems are presented.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
In terms of modern mathematics, chaos is defined as some random process in a static or dynamic state [7]. Chaotic systems are characterized by unpredictability, irreversibility, randomness, spatial disorder, etc. Moreover, the objects within a chaotic system or process are usually subject to some hidden internal order, mathematical deciphering of which would transform apparent chaos into complete or partial order.
Solving such problems requires further development of mathematical methods and the development of new algorithms.
Chaos theory is inextricably linked with algorithmic graph theory [4, 13], the founder of which is Leonhard Euler. A graph includes sets of vertices (points, nodes) which are connected by lines (edges) in a certain sequence. A graph can be used to give a chaotic set of points a shape similar to a drawing that transforms chaos into order. The form of chaos can then be described by a mathematical equation or system of equations, an Euler graph and various geometric objects, which can actually be considered the key or cipher of the system.
Список литературы
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