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Топ 5 статей
Топ 10 авторов

Велев Стефан

Авченко Олег
Облако ключевых фраз
precessionevolution maturityplanet orbitsplanet orbital periodshumankindEarth rotationeccentricity of Earth orbit.speed of lightplanets.periodscausesinteraction of systemsMoonSunstructureinvarianthistorysysteminner Sunself-organizationsystemology.systems theoryhistory of mankindmodelhumanityelementary circulation mechanismextreme precipitationcomplex systemsevolutionorder parameter
О журнале
- Тип сериального издания
- Периодическое издание
- Элементы сериального издания
- Выпуск журнала
- Назначение издания
- Научное
- Способ распространения
- Только в печатном виде
- Доступ к полным текстам
- Все выпуски в открытом доступе
- Основной источник финансирования
- Учредитель
- Мультидисциплинарность
- Мультидисциплинарный в области естественных и технических наук
Сведения о журнале
- 01.00.00. Физико-математические науки
05.13.01. Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям)
09.00.00. Философия - ББК
- 10. Методология междисциплинарного знания
15. Кибернетика
20. Естественные науки в целом
22. Физико-математические науки
26. Науки о Земле - Год основания
- 2018
- Период выпуска
- 2018 - ...
- Число выпусков в год
- 4
- Число статей в выпуске
- 5
- Число страниц в выпуске
- 40
Основные разделы
Basic researches
New ideas
Debatable aspects
Редакционная политика
The position of the journal
“Complex systems”
On Publication ethics
- Only original articles containing the results of the work of the authors must be published. The article should contain accurate data and a comprehensive amount of references. Plagiarism is not allowed.
- It is assumed that at the time of sending articles, an agreement has been reached between authors on the final version of the article and its publishing it in the journal “Complex systems”. The submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
- In case an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the publication, the author must inform the editor-in-Chief of the journal “Complex systems” and cooperate with the publisher to publish a retraction or correction of the article. If the editor or the Publisher learn from a third party that a published work contains a significant error, the responsibility of the author is an urgent retraction or correction of the article.
- Every manuscript is treated as a confidential document. No distribution, publication, open peer review, use in their own investigations of the submissions received by the reviewers and editors is allowed.
- The editor will evaluate manuscripts solely for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
- All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Potential conflicts of interest, including employment, counseling, availability of stock ownership, receipt of fees, provision of expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding sources should be disclosed at the earliest stage.
- The finding of a violation of publication ethics and further resolution of the situation takes place in the framework of the recommendations of the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).
Chief editor of Journal “Complex systems”, O. P. Ivanov
- Вид
- Одностороннее слепое
- Рецензирование осуществляется
- Членами редакционной коллегии
- Число рецензентов
- 2
- Доля отклоненных рукописей
- 10%
- Срок публикации
- 30 дней
The position of the journal
“Complex systems”
On the procedure of reviewing scientific articles
- All scientific articles submitted to the journal “Complex systems” are subject to mandatory peer review for her expert evaluation.
- Executive Secretary of the journal determines the articles for compliance with the requirements for registration and sends it for review to the specialist, doctor or candidate of Sciences who are closest to the topic scientific specialization. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have for the last 3 years, publications on peer-reviewed articles.
- In case of non-compliance with article requirements, the author is offered up to 7 days to make appropriate corrections.
- Terms of reviewing in each case are determined by the responsible Secretary of the journal with regards to creation of conditions for maximum rapidness in publication of articles. The maximum review period is 2 months.
- The review should include a qualified analysis of the material and its objective evaluation (with the release of its relevance, scientific novelty and practical importance). The reviewer makes a recommendation (positive or negative) about the possibility of publishing the article.
- Reviews are certified in the manner prescribed in the institution where the reviewer works.
- The review is confidential. The editors send submitted materials copies of the text of the review upon his written request without a signature and the name, position and affiliation of the reviewer or a reasoned refusal, and shall also send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editors of the relevant request. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in case of the statement of unreliability or falsification of materials contained in the article.
- If the review contains recommendations to correct or improve the article, Executive Secretary of the journal sends the author the text of the review with a proposal to take them into account when preparing the new version of the article or arguments (partially or completely) to refute them. Revised paper is resubmitted for review.
- The article not recommended by reviewer for publication, will not be reviewed again.
- The positive review is not sufficient grounds for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication rests with the editorial Board of the journal; in addition, such a decision can be made following the discussion of the article on the all-Moscow interdisciplinary seminar “Synergy” under the leadership of editor-in-chief of the Journal “Complex systems”.
- After acceptance by the editorial Board the decision on the admission of article for publication Executive Secretary of the journal informs the author about it and specifies publication terms.
- The originals of reviews are kept in editorial office of the journal “Complex systems” for five years.
Правила для авторов
Dear authors!
By submitting an article you agree with the terms and conditions, without remuneration, in the journal “Complex systems” on the following conditions:
- The author/authors guarantee that the journal has the exclusive copyright on the published article.
- The author/authors guarantee that the article does not contain classified information or information restricted to reproduction (publication, disclosure, duplication, reproduction or other use) under applicable law.
- The author/authors agrees to use metadata (title, author name (copyright holder), annotation, bibliographical material, etc.) of the article by disseminating and making available to the public, processing and systematization as well as inclusion in various databases and information systems.
- The author/authors agrees to the storage and processing of their personal data without time limits:
• surname, name, patronymic;
• information about education;
• data on place of work and position;
• data on the availability of published works of literature, science and art.
Personal data is provided for storage and processing in various databases and information systems, their inclusion in analytical and statistical reporting, establishment of reasonable interrelations of the objects of works of science, literature and art with personal data, etc. The Publisher has the right to transfer the specified data for processing and storage to third parties, provided notice of such fact with the provision of information about the third party (name and address) to the Author at his/her request. - The author/authors agree that the electronic version of the full text of the article after the publication of the printed edition will be posted on the NEB resource according to the license agreement with the Publishing house, OOO “Scientific electronic library”.
- The author/authors agree that the changes and the reduction of articles that are editorial in nature and do not affect the fundamental issues are made by the Editorial Board without approval from the Author/authors.
The manuscript format should conform to the editorial rules.
General guidelines for submission:
- To prepare the electronic versions of materials use Microsoft Word for Windows.
- For the article file use the format *.doc.
- Drawings, formulas, tables and diagrams should be placed in the text. File names must conform to the numbering and names of relevant figures and diagrams in the article.
- The article should not exceed more than 20 pages (over 20 pages – by agreement with the editorial Board), including figures, diagrams, tables, etc.
- When typing, use Times New Roman 12, single spaced, all margins – 2.5 cm, paragraph indent –1.25.
- Tables are created using only Microsoft Word or Excel.
- Equations should be numbered in round brackets (e.g. (2)).
- Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [2]).
The manuscript file should include:
- THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE. The title should be informative; in the title, only use standard abbreviations.
- Surname, name, patronymic of author (authors). Indicates a degree, rank and position of the author.
- Address of authors including e-mail address for correspondence, name of company, Department, city and country.
- Abstract. Length of the abstract is determined by the contents of the publication (volume of information, its scientific value and/or practical value) should be not less than 100-250 words.
- Key words.
- The text of the article.
- References should be presented in alphabetical format, for example, for journals:
Author A. A., Author B. B., Author C. C. Title of article.
Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 49-53.
Electronic sources are given at the end of the list.
- Издательство
- Регион
- Россия, Москва
- Почтовый адрес
- 140080, Московская область, г. Лыткарино, ул. Парковая, Д. 1, офис 14/А
- Юр. адрес
- 140080, Московская область, г. Лыткарино, ул. Парковая, Д. 1, офис 14/А
- Старцев Вадим Валерьевич (ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ДИРЕКТОР)
- E-mail адрес
- systemology@yandex.ru
- Контактный телефон
- +7 (963) 7123301