Во второй части статьи выполнен анализ проблем, связанных с утилизацией разных видов автономных мобильных роботов и определена эффективность их рециклинга. Выявлена перспективность коммерциализации рециклинга сухопутных роботов и необходимость государственных дотаций предприятиям, осуществляющим рециклинг отходов утилизации БПЛА и подводных роботов. Сделана оценка массы отходов при эксплуатации парка мобильных роботов в городе с населением 100 000 чел.
Определены количественные показатели для оценки воздействия отходов робототехники на
окружающую среду, предложены методы снижения сопутствующего негативного воздействия
на окружающую среду, получена зависимость объема отходов утилизации бытовых и
сервисных роботов от перегрева при монтаже электронных блоков системы управления.
Исследовано влияние показателей надежности на массу отходов утилизации и стоимость
эксплуатации БПЛА.
Широкое внедрение мобильной робототехники в различные сферы деятельности человека делает актуальной проблему массовой утилизации выработавших свой ресурс, устаревших и неисправных роботов. При утилизации каждого типа мобильных роботов следует учитывать особенности его конструкции, состав бортовой аппаратуры и принимать во внимание экологические риски при разрушении конструкции робота с попаданием его фрагментов в окружающую среду. В зависимости от вида и назначения роботов, их утилизация и рециклинг имеют существенные особенности. В данной работе выполнен анализ проблем, связанных с утилизацией разных видов автономных мобильных роботов. Рассмотрены основные источники загрязнения окружающей среды, имеющиеся в составных частях роботов: электронных компонентах, аккумуляторах, конструкционных материалах, кабелях линий связи. Определено влияние на окружающую среду разных типов мобильных роботов и преобладающие виды отходов при их утилизации.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of
each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition
of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot
structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of
robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems
associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of
environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator
batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of
different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.