Rules for the direction, review and publication of scientific articles
(as amended in 2023)
- The journal “Successes of Applied Physics” is intended for the publication of detailed articles and reviews on the latest most significant achievements in the field of physics with the prospect of applied (technical and scientific) applications. The journal is included in the new List of the Higher Attestation Commission, which entered into force on December 1, 2015.
By submitting the manuscript of an article to the editorial board of the journal, the authors transfer to the editorial board, the founder and the publisher of the journal the gratuitous non-exclusive right to publish it in Russian as an article in the printed version of the journal, in the electronic version of the journal on the Internet and on laser discs. At the same time, the authors retain their intellectual rights to the manuscript of the article (including “copyright”). In this regard, and taking into account the Fourth Part (Section VII) The authors of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation must submit a letter to the editorial office in the following form:
License agreement on the transfer of the right to publish (publishing license agreement)
We, the undersigned, are the authors of the manuscript ________________________________________________________
We provide the editorial board, editorial board, founder and publisher of the journal “Successes of Applied Physics” with a free simple (non-exclusive) license to publish this manuscript of the article in both printed and electronic versions of the journal.
We confirm that this publication does not violate the intellectual rights of other persons or organizations.
Signatures of the authors: ________________________________________ ( full name, academic degree, date)
The article must be signed by all the authors. In the case of several authors, the surname of the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board is indicated. The manuscript of the article is sent to the editorial office of the journal: 9 Kosinskaya str., 111538, Moscow, NPO Orion JSC, Editorial Office of the journal “Successes of Applied Physics” or by e-mail:
The manuscript of the article must be submitted to the editorial office in Russian.
The manuscript of the article must be accompanied by an expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the open press, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure.
The volume of the article (without figures) should not exceed 12 A4 pages with a single line spacing, and the volume of the review article should not exceed 25 pages. The material of the article is presented in printed form (on paper) and in electronic form on a CD/DVD with text in Microsoft Word format (font type - Times New Roman, font size - 12), and the text should already contain drawings and captions in the right place. However, it is necessary to avoid giving unnecessarily detailed and cumbersome mathematical transformations and expressions in the text. The design of the article is as follows:
– name of the magazine section;
– UDC index;
– PACS classification code ( );
– the title of the article;
– initials and surnames of the authors;
– abstract of the article (10-15 lines with the disclosure of the purpose of the work and its main results);
– keywords.
- The main text of the article should begin with the “Introduction” section with a clear statement of the purpose and objectives of the work, accompanied by arguments in favor of its implementation against the background of the existing state of the problem raised in the article. The further text of the article should also have semantic headings (sections and subsections) without numbering them. The article should end with a separate section “Conclusion” listing the main results, the following conclusions and, if possible, proposals for the development of research and the use of their results.
At the bottom of the first page of the text there is a separate paragraph (in bold) containing contact information about the author (or authors) in the following form: surname, first name, patronymic (in full), position, academic degree, e-mail, postal address of the enterprise.
After the main text, there is a list of used sources called “Literature”.
Examples of the designation in the “Literature” section of the sources used.
The link to the articles is given as follows: Surname, name of the journal, year, volume, number, page number.
Ivanov I. I. // Successes of applied physics. 2021. Vol. 9. No. 1. p. 12.
Lang D. V. // J. Appl. Phys. 1974. Vol. 45. No. 7. p. 3023.
Link to the books: Surname, name of the book, city, publisher, year. (When referring to a specific chapter or page in a book, the page number is put after the year.)
Korn G., Korn E. Handbook of Mathematics. – M.: Nauka, 1974.
Biberman L. M., Vorobyov V. S., Yakubov I. T. Kinetics of nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma. – Moscow: Nauka, 1982. p. 371.
Link to the conference materials: Full name, title of the publication, place and date of the conference, page numbers.
Romanov A.V., Stepovich M. A., Filippov M. N. / Proceedings of the XVII International Meeting “Radiation physics of a solid body”. – Sevastopol, 2007. pp. 592-599.
Reference to patents: Surname, name, type, number, year.
Davydov S. G., Dolgov A. N., Yakubov R. H. Vacuum spark gap. Patent for invention No. 2654494 (RF). 2018.
Link to dissertations and abstracts: Surname and name, title of the work (abstract), dissertation. … candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, city, organization, year.
Grechikhin V. A. Development and analysis of computer algorithms for processing single-particle signals of laser Doppler anemometers: Abstract. Dissertation of the Candidate of Technical Sciences. – M.: MEI, 1996.
Further, detailed English-language information about the article is posted, which is necessary for indexing the entire journal, this article and its authors in international scientometric databases, namely: PACS, the title of the article, the surname and initials of the authors (English transliteration), the company, its postal address, e-mail of the author(s), abstract, keywords (Keywords), an article-by-article bibliography (References); since the journal is distributed abroad, the editorial board reserves the right to correct the English part of the text without changing its meaning.
The design of the article bibliography in the English-language part of the article (References) has its own peculiarities. In particular, if the cited book or monograph is a Russian-language translation from a foreign publication, then the source data of this publication (authors, book title, publisher, city or country, year of publication), as well as the Russian-language publisher and the year of publication in Russian are indicated. The following are the main examples of the designation of the sources used in the References section:
An article from the magazine:
Ivanov I. I., Usp. Prikl. Fiz. 9 (1), 12 (2021) [in Russian].
Lang D. V., J. Appl. Phys. 45 (7), 3023 (1974).
Note: if a Russian-language magazine has a printed English-language counterpart, then the English name of the analogue is used and the page numbers must be indicated from it. If there is no English-language equivalent, then the English transliteration of the Russian-language name is used.
Korn G. and Korn E., Mathematical Handbook, New York-London, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1968; Moscow, Nauka, 1974.
Conference materials:
Romanov A. V., Stepovich M. A., and Filippov M. N. Proc. XVII Intern. Meeting on Radiation Physics of Solid State. Sevastopol, 2007, pp. 592–599.
Davydov S. G., Dolgov A. N., Yakubov R. H. Vacuum spark gap. Patent for invention № 2654494 (RF). 2018.
Dissertations and abstracts:
Grechikhin V. A. Development and analysis of computer algorithms for processing single-particle signals of laser Doppler anemometers: Abstract. Diss. Candidate of Technical Sciences. M., MEI, 1996.
The list of sources used (“Literature”) must correspond to all references to external sources in the text of the article. These links are framed in square brackets, for example, [1-3], [7, 8]. Internal links, i.e. links to formulas, figures and tables of the article are made using parentheses, for example, formula (3), equation (1), (Fig. 2), (Table 3). Any links in the captions to the figures and in the figures themselves are not recommended.
The number of drawings and photographs for a standard article should not exceed 10. If one drawing contains two, three or more variants of graphic (or photo) images of the type “Fig. 2a”, “Fig. 2b”, etc., then each individual variant in this case is counted as a separate drawing. If the above limits on the number of drawings (photos) are exceeded the article is returned to the authors for revision. The graphics (black and white and color) are presented directly in the right place in the article and at the desired scale. The displayed physical quantities are indicated next to the axes of the graphs only (strictly!) in symbolic (alphabetic) form, and separated by commas – the dimension of the value in Russian (in straight font). It is recommended to number the various curves on the charts, even if they are characterized by a separate color or line type. Graphs are presented only (strictly!) on a white background. Auxiliary grids are not allowed on the plot area.
The captions under the corresponding figures are presented in the right places of the text. Each signature should be as concise as possible, but succinct in content. Any physical (technical) symbol indicated in the signature must also have its verbal disclosure there.