The author has extended possibilities of axiomatic method for writing deductive theories in biology and anthropology and their parallel systematization by creating an algorithm consisting of 32 rules. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that all words are deductible from each other and on the hypothesis that the properties of the living beings are periodically repeatable when they are arranged in a row. The hypotheses made it possible to find two periodic systems similar to D.I. Mendeleev’s system. These systems help to determine the order of axioms in a row of theories. The algorithm is supplemented by links of axioms that are similar in the non-living, living, and intelligent worlds with notions of symmetry. The work can raise the axiomatic method to a new level also in the area on unification of knowledge.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
The multitude of scientific facts can be seen as an example of a complex system being in need of ordering. The highest theoretical peak on this path, particularly for biology and anthropology, is the creation of grand theories that connect all their theories into a single whole. The author proposes to solve this problem in an axiomatic way. The problem is that existing rules are insufficient to determine the sequence of axioms in the theories. That is why the axiomatic method is rarely used. The regularity revealed by the author in 1992 in the form of the periodic law can help to solve this problem. The periodic system in biology was first published in 1999 [3; 4]. Along the way, the author created an algorithm for writing theoretical biology (TB). Using this algorithm, in 2016 the author managed to write a copy of the work already in the form of a universal intelligent life theory, or theoretical anthropology (TA) [5]. Since this algorithm has not been updated for a long time, the author considered it possible to publish it again. The degree of reproducibility, verifiability and, hence, scientific character of the results will depend on the completeness of the algorithm.
Список литературы
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The possibility of building a holistic world picture with the help of system-structural methodology in the conditions of specialization characteristic to modern science is shown.
A set of regional models in addition to the small model of humanity as a complex system is presented.
A variant of scientific and methodological support for the governance of states is presented.
Non-physical approaches to defining the “dark energy” and “dark matter” nature and their analogy with matter and energy are discussed.
The axiomatic method possibilities for writing deductive theories in biology and anthropology are expanded.
Другие статьи выпуска
Non-physical approaches to the definition of the nature of “dark energy” and “dark matter” are discussed due to the fact that the physical nature of these phenomena has not yet been defined. The possibility of considering information on a par with matter and energy is shown. This possibility is substantiated by the results of psychological research within the framework of integral information theory, the results of physical research within the framework of self-simulation hypothesis and Vopson’s principle of mass-energy-information equivalence, as well as by the results of system research by means of systems-objects approach. The systemic nature of Universum is investigated. Its informational structure in the form of a systems-classes (conceptual systems) hierarchy determining the systems-events (material systems) properties providing real interactions is substantiated by means of the systems-objects approach. The similarity between the systems-classes hierarchy of Universe and the hierarchy of concepts in the human mind on the level of verbal-logical thinking is confirmed. The presented results support the well-known formulation of the strong anthropic principle. The connection between the systems-classes hierarchy properties and the known “dark energy” and “dark matter” properties is shown.
Throughout the course of whole history, states have been and still are governed by traditions, party programs, and intuitive ideas. But now states life has become so complex, contradictory, and “dynamic” that even the most talented leaders, along with the elite, do not prevent turmoil and bloodshed. This situation is deteriorating beneath our eyes. The transition to scientific-based governance is vital. This paper presents the scientific and methodological support for governance of states. Scientific support includes the overall structure, model, identification, justification, and analysis of decisions, as well as the synthesis of state governance, taking into account traditions, programs, plans, commitments, and other constraints. Governance is implemented by technology operating in a continuous cycle of adaptation to internal and external changes in real time and is ahead of real time. For a particular state (as well as a large administrative entity, firm, etc.) the proposed scientific and methodological support is a reference point that determines the structure, basic parameters and technology of governance. As a result, the ranking of goals, maximization of socio-economic success, and humane resolution of inherent internal and external conflicts on this basis are achieved.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of models of a complex system of mankind. The opportunities for the actions of people and humanity are included in the model of the system. Social structures as well as the impact of humanity on the environment are excluded from the model. A small quantitative model of mankind’s system has been previously presented in my papers. The elements of small and big models are resources or resource groups. By resources, we mean tools, things, qualities, and methods that can be used to achieve human goals.
This article introduces a set of regional models in addition to small model of the humankind system.
It is shown that the proposed regional models are the models of complex systems. The characteristics of these models are considered.
This article has an interdisciplinary nature. It addresses the issues of complex systems and the history of mankind.
Abstract. The necessity and possibility to construct a holistic world picture in the conditions of on-going differentiation and specialization of modern science significantly inferior to the concomitant integration process is shown. The construction of a unified world picture is done with the help of the system-structural methodology, the main method of which is the levels of structural organization of matter providing a sequential transition as a chain from one level to another from elementary particles to the maximum space objects, including biological and social systems and back providing a law-governed sequence of transitions through the levels of structural matter organization. All this is useful for any scientific research at the initial and final stage, as well as, in an educational system.
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