Рецензируемое научное издание открытого доступа. Учрежден РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена в 2018 году. В «JALL» публикуются статьи, посвященные наиболее актуальным проблемам изучения естественного языка на современном этапе и предлагающие практические подходы к их решению, а также к использованию результатов научных исследований в различных областях человеческой деятельности, в том числе в образовании.
Топ 5 статей
Топ 10 авторов
Облако ключевых фраз
О журнале
- Тип сериального издания
- Периодическое издание
- Элементы сериального издания
- Выпуск журнала
- Назначение издания
- Научное
- Способ распространения
- Только в электронном виде
- Доступ к полным текстам
- Все выпуски в открытом доступе
- Основной источник финансирования
- Учредитель
- Мультидисциплинарность
- Не является мультидисциплинарным
Сведения о журнале
- 73692
- Год основания
- 2018
- Период выпуска
- 2019 - ...
- Число выпусков в год
- 2
- Число статей в выпуске
- 10
- Число страниц в выпуске
- 300
Основные разделы
Редакционная политика
The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography (JALL) publishes articles on the currently relevant issues of natural language research that offer practical solutions and suggest the means of application for the research outcomes in various professional spheres including education.
Applied linguistics is viewed by the editorial board as a field where contemporary issues that divide speech communities may be resolved by means of discussion and reconciliation of theoretical differences. In respect to methodology, JALL seeks to overcome stagnation that ensued after structuralism had lost its leading methodological role in linguistic science. In addition to papers on lexicology, JALL also accepts materials in a variety of applied linguistics research spheres: bilingualism and multilingualism, computer-mediated communication, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, language acquisition, child speech, linguistic examination, language planning and language policy, LSP, literacy education, multimodal linguistics, rhetoric and stylistics, and translation.
JALL’s editorial board gives priority to articles in English. However, our interest is not limited to research developments in English language communities. The journal welcomes submissions that may establish a connection between the peculiarities of language use specific for different language communities and global linguistic patterns and regularities.
The basic principles of the editorial policy are:
— All received papers have to be original and submitted for publication for the first time ever. We never accept papers already published elsewhere except for reprinting materials which have relevant scientific value but which were published in periodicals that have already become bibliographic rarities. We allow to publish translations of own articles previously published in another language if the translation rights do not belong to another publisher.
— All papers submitted to the editors are necessarily checked for improper borrowings. If plagiarism, unreliable or falsified scientific data are found in an article it is also rejected.
— A published article may be retracted if it detects serious violations of scientific and / or publication ethics.
— By submitting articles for publication, the authors agree to a public offer posted on the journal’s website. The published materials are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License 4.0.
— All authors to a paper should always make a substantial contribution to the research. All co-authors should be familiar with the final text of the article and agree to the publication.
— Authors should ensure: a) that all data used in the paper have been obtained as the result of an objective scientific investigation, b) had academic novelty of the study, c) its methodological substantiation and d) trueness-to-fact.
— A peer-reviewer’s inferences and opinions have to be well-grounded; no value judgments are allowed without reliance upon facts or logic. The experts have to opine professionally and with tolerance on any scientifically proven conclusions of an author even if the entire latter’s study or any of its parts and sections may seem to be in disagreement with the reviewer’s ethical principles.
— The only relevant criterion for accepting an article for publication is its scientific, and not any other value. At the same time, it should demonstrate a clear and explicit statement of its subject-matter, along with good literary style.
— The editors do not make substantive changes in the text without the consent of the author.
— The editors ensure respect for the copyright and the authors’ right to a name.
— If any mistakes or fallacies are revealed, the editors should be always willing to publish corrections or retractions.
The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography (JALL) publishes articles on the currently relevant issues of natural language research that offer practical solutions and suggest the means of application for the research outcomes in various professional spheres including education.
Applied linguistics is viewed by the editorial board as a field where contemporary issues that divide speech communities may be resolved by means of discussion and reconciliation of theoretical differences. In respect to methodology, JALL seeks to overcome stagnation that ensued after structuralism had lost its leading methodological role in linguistic science. In addition to papers on lexicology, JALL also accepts materials in a variety of applied linguistics research spheres: bilingualism and multilingualism, computer-mediated communication, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, language acquisition, child speech, linguistic examination, language planning and language policy, LSP, literacy education, multimodal linguistics, rhetoric and stylistics, and translation.
JALL’s editorial board gives priority to articles in English. However, our interest is not limited to research developments in English language communities. The journal welcomes submissions that may establish a connection between the peculiarities of language use specific for different language communities and global linguistic patterns and regularities.
The basic principles of the editorial policy are:
— All received papers have to be original and submitted for publication for the first time ever. We never accept papers already published elsewhere except for reprinting materials which have relevant scientific value but which were published in periodicals that have already become bibliographic rarities. We allow to publish translations of own articles previously published in another language if the translation rights do not belong to another publisher.
— All papers submitted to the editors are necessarily checked for improper borrowings. If plagiarism, unreliable or falsified scientific data are found in an article it is also rejected.
— A published article may be retracted if it detects serious violations of scientific and / or publication ethics.
— By submitting articles for publication, the authors agree to a public offer posted on the journal’s website. The published materials are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License 4.0.
— All authors to a paper should always make a substantial contribution to the research. All co-authors should be familiar with the final text of the article and agree to the publication.
— Authors should ensure: a) that all data used in the paper have been obtained as the result of an objective scientific investigation, b) had academic novelty of the study, c) its methodological substantiation and d) trueness-to-fact.
— A peer-reviewer’s inferences and opinions have to be well-grounded; no value judgments are allowed without reliance upon facts or logic. The experts have to opine professionally and with tolerance on any scientifically proven conclusions of an author even if the entire latter’s study or any of its parts and sections may seem to be in disagreement with the reviewer’s ethical principles.
— The only relevant criterion for accepting an article for publication is its scientific, and not any other value. At the same time, it should demonstrate a clear and explicit statement of its subject-matter, along with good literary style.
— The editors do not make substantive changes in the text without the consent of the author.
— The editors ensure respect for the copyright and the authors’ right to a name.
— If any mistakes or fallacies are revealed, the editors should be always willing to publish corrections or retractions.
- Вид
- Двойное слепое
- Рецензирование осуществляется
- Членами редколлегии или внешними экспертами
- Число рецензентов
- 2
- Доля отклоненных рукописей
- 8%
- Срок публикации
- 85 дней
- Издательство
- РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
- Регион
- Россия, Санкт-Петербург
- Почтовый адрес
- 191186, Санкт-Петербург, набережная реки Мойки 48
- Юр. адрес
- 191186, Санкт-Петербург, набережная реки Мойки 48
- Тарасов Сергей Валентинович (ректор)
- E-mail адрес
- mail@herzen.spb.ru
- Контактный телефон
- +7 (812) 3124477