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Throughout the course of whole history, states have been and still are governed by traditions, party programs, and intuitive ideas. But now states life has become so complex, contradictory, and “dynamic” that even the most talented leaders, along with the elite, do not prevent turmoil and bloodshed. This situation is deteriorating beneath our eyes. The transition to scientific-based governance is vital. This paper presents the scientific and methodological support for governance of states. Scientific support includes the overall structure, model, identification, justification, and analysis of decisions, as well as the synthesis of state governance, taking into account traditions, programs, plans, commitments, and other constraints. Governance is implemented by technology operating in a continuous cycle of adaptation to internal and external changes in real time and is ahead of real time. For a particular state (as well as a large administrative entity, firm, etc.) the proposed scientific and methodological support is a reference point that determines the structure, basic parameters and technology of governance. As a result, the ranking of goals, maximization of socio-economic success, and humane resolution of inherent internal and external conflicts on this basis are achieved.