This tutorial contains materials of the course “Introdiction to
Dynamical Systems” taught at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics
and Control Processes of Saint Petersburg State University. The
following sections are considered: basic notions of calculus, basic
notions of linear algebra, least squares method, theory of ordinary
differential equations, stability and its criterion. Each section is
equipped with detailed examples. The author expresses its gratitude
to student He Yulong for the great help with typing the text.
For students specializing in the field of dynamic systems,
mathematical modeling.
Bibliography contains 8 items
Информация о документе
- Формат документа
- Кол-во страниц
- 84 страницы
- Загрузил(а)
- Лицензия
- —
- Доступ
- Всем
- Просмотров
- 21
Информация о книге
- 978-5-9651-15
- Год публикации
- 2024
- Библиографическая запись
Preliminaries to Dynamical Systems: Tutorial /
Abbasov M. E. — Saint Ptersburg: “VVM” Publisher, 2024.
— 84 с.