The manual provides a pathophysiological assessment of inflammation as a key general pathophysiological process and as protective and adaptive reaction aimed at eliminating and damaging agent and restoring damaged tissue. At the present level,
taking into account the latest advanced in medicine, issues of etiology and pathogenesis, stages and types, and clinical manifestations of inflammation are covered. Modern data
on the role of adhesive molecules, active forms of oxygen, cytokines and other mediators in the development of acute and chronic inflammation are presented.
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- Формат документа
- Кол-во страниц
- 56 страниц
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- 17
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- Год публикации
- 2022
- Библиографическая запись
Kseyko D. A.
K86 Pathophysiology of Inflammation : study guide for the 3 rd year
students of the medical faculty specialty 31.05.01 General medicine
/ D. A. Kseyko, T. V. Abakumova, S. O. Gening. – Ulyanovsk : USU,
2022. – 56 p. - Каталог SCI
- Биология