Идентификаторы и классификаторы
The Donetsk Railway Transport Institute (DonIZhT) was founded on 3 November 1967 as a training and consulting centre of the Kharkov Institute of Railway (Order of the USSR Minister of Railways No. E-29415). On 1 January 1968, in order to improve the quality of training of engineers for Donetsk Railways, the training and consulting centre was transformed into the Donetsk Branch of the Kharkov Institute of Railway Engineers.
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This research is devoted to the prospects for the development of international transport corridors (ITC) through the prism of the dynamics of market forces in the transport industry and world trade.
International logistics is currently undergoing a global transformation, and therefore the effective use by Russia of its transport potential is still the most urgent and practical task. In this regard, this research is focused on internal and external factors that infl uence the realization of this potential.
The research presents the factors that contributed in retrospect for more than 10 years to the dynamic development of freight transportation through the ITC “East – West”. Additionally, the impact of exogenous factors such as epidemiological restrictions on a global scale and economic sanctions against Russia on the logistics of container transportation in recent years is considered in more detail.
On the basis of a retrospective analysis of the development of cargo transportation through the ITC “East – West” generalized conditions are formulated that allow to assess the potential for the development of transport cargo fl ows on other key ITC. An analysis of the current dynamics and problems of the development of transportation along the corridors East – West, Northern Sea Route and North-South is carried out. Further prospects for their increase from the point of view of transport marketing is provided.
Among the conclusions, the importance of developing and expanding the infrastructure of the ITC “East – West”, as well as proposals for the intensifi cation of cargo transportation through other ITC, is highlighted.
The implementation of unmanned train control systems offers a number of advantages, such as increasing the capacity of railway lines and traffi c volumes, reducing the ‘human factor’, as well as reducing operatingcosts. The paper considers the challenges arising from the use of automatic train control systems, and presents the prospects for the implementation of automatic technologies in railway transport for various railway systems. The social and economic aspects of changing professional activities in railway transport are described. Grades of automation applicable to surface urban railway transport are presented. The issues of proving the functional safety of machine vision systems as part of the train traffi c control system and determining their level of safety completeness are discussed. Examples of railway transport automation in Russia and other countries are given. Basic scenarios of automatic control system operation describing normal and abnormal situations are formulated. In conclusion, the levels of technological readiness of the reviewed solutions in the fi eld of train traffi c automation are defi ned. The tasks faced by railway companies in implementing these technologies are outlined, and possible ways of overcoming obstacles to the introduction of automatic systems are proposed, taking into account the current political situation.
The paper analyses the reasons for the current opinion that a higher mass of superstructure elements is necessary for railway track sections with higher traffi c density, speed and axial loads. With the help of known theories and the new one developed by the author that takes into account the time factor, it is proved that in terms of all the most signifi cant technical indicators the best solution within the realistic limits is to use lower-mass rails and reinforced concrete sleepers. The most essential argument in favour of the smaller mass of rails per unit length is the increased track stability produced by longitudinal compressive forces in rails. A reinforced concrete sleeper of a smaller mass has been proposed and tested that increases the resistance to shear in ballast across the track axis at least two times. For stable pressing of rails to sleepers by intermediate fasteners, elastic clips should be made of plate steel instead of bar steel. It is proposed to make a plate clip shaped as a ‘fi sh-bellied beam’. Specifi c examples of the proposed solutions for rails, reinforced concrete sleepers, and intermediate fastenings are given.
The purpose of the study is to create a more accurate material fl ow forecasting model of Xi’an freight railway station in China. The combined forecasting model is more validated for forecasting freight fl ows of regional logistics compared to three methods: grey forecasting, Markov chains, entropy weighting. Through the creation of the combined model, the grey forecasting method is combined with Markov chain correction, and the projected data is compared with the actual data to obtain higher accuracy of the forecasting model.
A combined model using the grey forecasting method combined with Markov chain correction is created, with the forecast data compared with the actual data to obtain high accuracy of the forecasting model.
The practical signifi cance is that in the context of the present post-pandemic economic development, the logistics enterprises that do not operate in accordance with the modern logistics methods may be displaced by competitors. If the railway does not improve its logistics infrastructure, logistics equipment, railway logistics network platform, etc., it will lose out to other modes of transport. In order to meet the needs of logistics and improve the market competitiveness, the main indicator of a freight station is loading and logistics fl ow. Therefore, exact prediction of future changes in the logistics fl ow of a freight station can help to determine whether the station needs to be upgraded as a railway station or transformed into a certain type of a logistics centre.
This paper examines the conditions of foreign trade of the Central Asian countries and their impact on economic growth. Currently, the transport corridors of Central Asia are at the peak of their demand. The current positive changes and achievements of the region are considered. Attention is drawn to the geopolitical trends that create conditions for the development of alternative transport corridors and infrastructure projects. Special attention is paid to improving transport connectivity. It is proposed to develop transit and transport potential and increase the production of fi nished products. The comprehensive analysis carried out in this work allows us to take a broader look at the potential of the region and propose measures for its full development. Due to the growing role of Central Asia in the international arena, this paper also examines the impact of foreign policy on the development of the region’s economy. The strategic location of Central Asia between China, Russia, Iran and other countries makes the region an important partner in international trade and transport links. The paper analyses the current positive developments in the region, such as the creation of new transport corridors, the development of logistics infrastructure and the strengthening of trade relations with other countries. Special attention is paid to projects for the development of regional integration and economic unions, which contribute to improving competitiveness and economic stability in Central Asia.
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- 105082, г Москва, Басманный р-н, ул Бакунинская, д 71
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- 105082, г Москва, Басманный р-н, ул Бакунинская, д 71
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- https://umczdt.ru/